Transit time: You may expect to receive your order within 5 -25 business days. It depends on which shipment method you use.
2.Make sure you enter a right credit card number, Shipping address should same as billing address . 3.Please call your bank and ask them about that. As we known, some banks may refuse to transfer payment to China Bank Account . 4.Our site accepts US Dollars only. Please make sure your account have enough money for the order because your bank may charge you internaitonal exchange rate and commission charge.
You can also track your package on our site: Sign In>Orders History, and you will find tracking information in your Order Details. If there are multiple items in an order, they will be divided and shipped in different packages which will have separate delivery dates and tracking information.
A: If you want to get bigger jerseys, please ask for service mail.
Q10: How do I change my order? A: You can change or cancel your order at any time before it enters the shipping process. Please contact a customer service online chat or send email to [email protected] as soon as possible if you would like to change or cancel your order. If you do not receive a response from us by email to confirm the order change, we probably have not made the changes. We cannot change, cancel, or correct your order in any way after it has entered our shipping process.
If you have any question or confused,please just free to E-mail us: [email protected]